From the call for applications to the distribution of the works, our objective is to manage the entire artistic part of the festival. Contacting the candidates, collecting the applications, pre-selecting the works and choosing the members of the jury, so many exciting missions that will allow amateurs, enthusiasts, curious and professionals to meet!
Mathilde – Allison – Hannah – Laure
Our daily role ? To facilitate the organisation of the POUR FAIRE COURT festival. Choosing the venue, the best caterer, scenography, security… These are all details that make the festival stand up on the day! We will be there to welcome you and make sure that the event is a memorable one.
Marine – Coralie – Jeanne – Lucile

Our mission: to enhance the image, reputation and performance of our festival. It is thanks to the dissemination of our communication materials, on our various media, that the public will come to enjoy the cinematographic spectacle that our festival has in store for them.
Camille – Fanny – Flavie
Finance means money. It is the sinews of war in the event industry, but it is also a human profession, a profession of communication.
Méryl – Rémi – Léna

This year, our festival has a new branch: development! We are always looking for new partners to accompany us in our beautiful adventure… So if you are interested, contact us!
Enola – Gabriel – Romane
Who says festival, says association and says… office! President, treasurer and secretary are here to supervise all our activities for the good holding of this 6th edition of the POUR FAIRE COURT festival.
President – Romane
Treasurer – Meryl
Secretary – Enola