To have a chance to participate to our Pour Faire Court film festival, please send your application form on Hello Asso, and click on the “Send My Short-film” button.
A 5€ participation fee will be required. You will have the possibility to send your short film until February 10th, 2023.
Your application form should contain :
- The enrolment form
- A copy of the short-film(s), through WeTransfer*
- The 5€ fee
- Information concerning the short-film(s) : title, casting, duration, format, date of direction or production
- A signed copy of the rules to follow
*You can send up to 3 short-films. Only one of them will have the possibility to be chosen by the artistic direction.
Your short-film must comply with the theme, duration and language indicated earlier.
Durée comprise entre 5 et 20 minutes / The film should last between 5 and 20 minutes.
Si votre film n’est pas en français, une version sous-titrée vous sera demandée (français et/ou anglais) / If the film is in a foreign language, please add subtitles in French or English
Votre court-métrage doit respecter le thème “Rembobinez !” / Your short-film should respect the following theme: “Rewind !”